Dear Delegates, Advisors, and Parents,
It is our distinct honor and privilege to invite you to the second session of the BME Model United Nations Conference, here at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary between 18-20
The BMEMUN 2019 Secretariat has worked tirelessly to afford delegates the most intriguing and competitive committee experience on the circuit; we are confident that the committee’s collective diversity in topic and size will both fascinate and challenge each and every delegate.
At the heart of Europe, Budapest serves as an ideal setting to discuss the solution to real-world problems promising a rewarding and innovative educational experience. Our capital is a city of outstanding geographical location with great traditions, wonderful historical places, as well as plenty of prestigious hotels within walking distance to the venue and to downtown Budapest.
Additionally, part of what makes the 6 committees of BMEMUN so incredible is the dedication of the conference’s Secretariat, the superb quality of its 50+ BME student staffers, and the immense amount of preparation that goes into the conference.
Having said that, I encourage all interested delegates, faculty advisors, and friends to peruse our website for more information.
I also welcome any ideas, questions, or comments you may wish to share with me.
In which case, you are welcome to reach out to me.
Best Regards,
BME Model United Nations
Contact: sg@mun.bme.hu
Conference Dates
18 -20 March 2019
Conference Venue
Q – Building, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary
Key Information
- Location: Budapest, Hungary
- Delegates: 250
- Fee: EUR 15
- Committees: UN: Security Council, UN: Human Rights Council, UN: Environment Assembly, UN: Economic and Financial Committee and UN: General Assembly.
Open for both University and High School Students.